A Simple Method to Handle Weak Minor 1-suited Hands and Weak or Strong Minor 2-suited Hands After Your Partner Opens 1NT

By Mike Savage

If you want a simple but effective method, after a 1NT opener by partner, to find your best minor suit contract with a weak hand with either both minors or just one minor and also show game-forcing hands with both minors without passing 3NT, while keeping a raise to 2NT as natural and invitational, you will find this method is just that – simple, effective and easy to learn.

Many pairs already regularly play the basic part of this method. 2S, over 1NT, is commonly used in order to play 3C or 3D. After 2S, responder is forced to bid 3C and responder passes with a long club suit and a weak hand and bids 3D with a long diamond suit and a weak hand. With a minor adjustment in this sequence, 2S can be also used when you have a weak 5-5 in the minors and you want opener to pick his best minor. 2S also can be used to show a game forcing (sometimes even slam invitational) hand with both minors. Here is how the convention works:


2S = Forces opener to bid 2NT or 3C.

2NT = Shows longer diamonds than clubs or if of equal length, better diamonds.

3C = Shows longer clubs or if equal length, better clubs or that both minors are equal.

Rebids over 2NT: (showing a better fit in diamonds than in clubs)

3C = To play. Responder will have a weak one-suiter in clubs

3D = To play. Responder will have a weak one-suiter in diamonds or a weak 5-5 in the minors.

3H = Shows both minors, a stiff or void in hearts and game values or better.

3S  = Shows both minors, a stiff or void in spades and game values or better.

3NT = Shows 5-4 in the minors and two small-two small in the majors, not forcing.

4NT = Natural, invitational with 2-2-5-4, 2-2-4-5 (or maybe just 4-4 in the minors).

Rebids over 3C: (showing a better fit in clubs than in diamonds or an equal fit)

Pass = Bid with a weak one-suiter in clubs or a weak 5-5 in the minors.

3D = To play. Responder will have a weak one-suiter in diamonds.

3H = Shows both minors, a stiff or void in hearts and game values or better.

3S  = Shows both minors, a stiff or void in spades and game values or better.

3NT = Shows 5-4 in the minors and two small-two small in the majors, not forcing.

4NT = Natural, invitational with 2-2-5-4, 2-2-4-5 (or maybe just 4-4 in the minors).

Simply put:

#1: With a long weak minor one-suiter, you bid 2S and if opener doesn’t bid your minor, you simply bid it yourself and you will play it there.

#2: With a weak 5-5 in the minors, you bid 2S and if opener prefers diamonds (by bidding 2NT), you simply bid 3D. If opener prefers clubs or has no preference (he bids 3C), you just pass.

#3. With a game forcing hand and 5-5 or 5-4 in the minors, you bid 2S and then over partner’s response, bid 3H or 3S (showing a stiff or void) or bid 3NT or 4NT with 2-2-5-4/2-2-4-5).